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Technical Scenario: Managing Token Integrity in a Multi-System Environment with Zero-Trust Challenges


You have an architecture involving a central identity system issuing JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) for authentication and authorisation. These tokens are accessible by third-party systems, including a marketing platform (e.g., ‘Bobbi76’). The issue arises when the marketing system records an undesired state, such as incorrect user roles or behavioural data, leading to repeated zero-trust scenarios.

This undermines trust, complicates endpoint validation, and poisons the user identity data pipeline.

1. Communications Across Architecture & Application Layers

Token Flow and Lifecycle:

1. Token Issuance (Identity System):

• The central identity system issues JWTs containing claims like:

• sub (user ID)

• role (user privileges)

• iat (issued at timestamp)

• permissions (allowed actions)

• Example:


  "sub": "user_123",

  "role": "admin",

  "permissions": ["read", "write", "edit"],

  "iat": 1696843471


2. Distribution (API Gateway):

• The JWT is passed through an API Gateway, which forwards the token to various services, including ‘Bobbi76’. The gateway enforces routing, rate-limiting, and initial validation of the token’s signature and expiry.

3. Consumption (Third-Party Systems):

• Marketing platforms consume the token and may augment it with additional behavioural or campaign-related metadata.

4. Storage and Feedback (Database/CRM):

• These systems log the token and associated state changes in their respective databases. Here, an undesired state might be recorded, such as:

• A role incorrectly downgraded (e.g., “admin” to “viewer”).

• Behavioural metrics that trigger invalid assumptions about the user.

• The marketing system may feed these corrupted states back into the identity pipeline.

Key Communication Layers:

Application Layer:

• APIs and endpoints transmitting tokens and claims.

• Insecure or misconfigured endpoints may result in token misuse.

Data Layer:

• Database synchronisation between marketing systems and the identity system might amplify poisoning issues (e.g., incorrect data replication or overwriting valid roles).

Network Layer:

• If secure communication protocols (e.g., TLS) are not enforced, tokens might be intercepted and altered.

2. Lifecycle of the Identity in ALM

Key Stages:

1. Creation:

• The token is minted by the identity system based on predefined claims and policies.

2. Propagation:

• The token is shared with systems like ‘Bobbi76’ via APIs.

3. Mutation:

• Marketing systems append campaign-related metadata or modify claims.

4. Validation:

• Systems validate token integrity before further processing.

5. Feedback:

• Poisoned data from ‘Bobbi76’ is reintroduced into the identity system, corrupting the source of truth.

3. Root Cause of Poisoning

1. Inconsistent Validation:

• Endpoint validations fail due to poor key management, missing audit trails, or lack of synchronisation between services.

2. Role Escalation or Downgrade:

• Marketing systems introduce unintended role changes & you have created and enhanced your first containment unit.



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